既存のクラスタに新しく追加した AFF A250 の HA インターコネクトが停止しています
- AFF A250、AFF C250、ASA A250、ASA C250、またはFAS500fを既存のクラスタに追加
- AFF A250、AFF C250、ASA A250、ASA C250、またはFAS500fが 既存のクラスタに追加されました
- HAインターコネクトの停止 イベント
EMS Logs:
[cluster1: statd: cf.takeover.disabled:alert]: HA mode, but takeover of partner is disabled due to reason : HA interconnect error. Verify that the partner node is running and that the HA interconnect cabling is correct, if applicable. For further assistance, contact technical support.
[cluster1: statd: ic.HAInterconnectDown:error]: HA interconnect: Interconnect down for 18328 minutes: all links are down
[cluster1: statd: ems.engine.suppressed:debug]: Event 'callhome.hainterconnect.down' suppressed 12 times in last 43200 seconds.
[cluster1: statd: callhome.hainterconnect.down:alert]: Call home for HA INTERCONNECT DOWN due to all links are down.