- AFF-A400
- NS224
- NS224シェルフに接続しているポートから書き込み検証エラーが呼び出されました:
[node_01: disk_server_0: callhome.hba.failed:EMERGENCY]: Call home for Write Verification Error: Port e0c Failed. Keep the adapter offline and contact NetApp technical support for assistance.
- NSM100モジュールに接続されているストレージ・ポートのフラッピング:
[node_01: kernel: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link up. [node_01: intr: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0c-30: Link up. [node_01: kernel: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check cable. [node_01: intr: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c-30: Link down, check cable. [node_01: kernel: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link up. [node_01: intr: netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0c-30: Link up. [node_01: kernel: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check cable. [node_01: intr: netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c-30: Link down, check cable.
- 複数のドライブでタイムアウトエラーが
ログに記録されています:[node_01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.selectionTimeout:error]: Unknown device e0c.01.0.17L9998: Adapter/target error: HA status 0x7: cdb 0x12. Targeted device did not respond to requested I/O. I/O will be retried.
[node_01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.selectionTimeout:error]: Unknown device e0c.01.0.16L9998: Adapter/target error: HA status 0x7: cdb 0x12. Targeted device did not respond to requested I/O. I/O will be retried.
[node_01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.pastTimeToLive:error]: Unknown device ?:?.?: request failed after try #4: cdb 0x12.
[node_01: scsi_cmdblk_strthr_admin: scsi.cmd.selectionTimeout:error]: Unknown device e0c.01.0.20L9998: Adapter/target error: HA status 0x7: cdb 0x12. Targeted device did not respond to requested I/O. I/O will be retried. - システムをマルチパスHA構成からシングルパスHA構成に移行したり、逆に移行したりする場合は、次の手順を実行します。
[node_01: svc_queue_thread: shelf.config.tomixedha:notice]: System has transitioned to a mixture of single, multi-path or quad-path storage configurations.
[node_01: svc_queue_thread: shelf.config.tompha:info]: System has transitioned to multi-path HA attached storage - シェルフモジュールの詳細が
ログにありません:Channel: 0x Shelf: 1 SES device path: local access: 0x.1.2.99 Module type: NSM100; monitoring is active Shelf status: normal condition ... Boot Device information by element: [1] Serial number: Part number: Type: Size: Vendor Id: [2] Serial number: 201201060020 Part number: ATP SATA III M.2 2280 AF120GSMIC-NT2 Type: SATA SSD Size: 120GB Vendor Id: Coin Battery installed element list: 1, 2; with error: none Coin Battery information by element: [1] Voltage: 0.000 [2] Voltage: 2.962 External Ethernet Connector installed element list: 1, 2, 3, 4; with error: none External Ethernet Connector information by element: [1] MAC address: <N/A> Attached MAC address: <N/A> Attached port: <N/A> Attached chassis: <N/A> Attached manufacturer: <N/A> Cable serial number: <N/A> Cable vendor name: <N/A> Cable id: QSFP28 Cable end: 1 Cable technology: passive copper Cable length: 0.5-1.0m [2] MAC address: <N/A> Attached MAC address: <N/A> Attached port: <N/A> Attached chassis: <N/A> Attached manufacturer: <N/A> Cable serial number: <N/A> Cable vendor name: <N/A> Cable id: QSFP28 Cable end: 0 Cable technology: passive copper Cable length: 0.5-1.0m [3] MAC address: d0:39:ea:2e:d9:c5 Attached MAC address: d0:39:ea:34:f0:d8 Attached port: e0c Attached chassis: d0:39:ea:34:f0:da Attached manufacturer: OS-OTVE-VDI01B Cable serial number: 93A2117720181 Cable vendor name: Molex Cable id: QSFP28 Cable end: 1 Cable technology: passive copper Cable length: 0.5-1.0m [4] MAC address: d0:39:ea:2e:d9:c6 Attached MAC address: b8:ce:f6:f5:a0:5b Attached port: e5b Attached chassis: d0:39:ea:34:ec:c6 Attached manufacturer: OS-OTVE-VDI01A Cable serial number: 93A2117521151 Cable vendor name: Molex Cable id: QSFP28 Cable end: 0 Cable technology: passive copper Cable length: 0.5-1.0m