- System Managerのレポート:
Takeover cannot be initiated
- テイクオーバーに想定よりも時間がかかるか、または障害が発生します。
Cluster-01::> storage failover show
Node Partner Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
Node-01 Node-02 true Connected to Node-02, Partial giveback
Node-02 Node-02 true Connected to Node-02. Waiting for partner lock synchronization.
Cluster-01::> storage failover show-takeover
Node Node Status Aggregate Takeover Status
---------- --------------------- -------------- -------------------------------
Node-01 Takeover not attempted.
- -
Node-02 Optimized takeover of partner aborted.
Run the command "storage failover
show-takeover -node Node-02" to display
the relocation status of the partner.
- EMSレポート:
rdb.ha.mboxError: Bidirectional failover under the 'cluster HA' configuration is not currently functional due to problem with the on-disk mailboxes