

Last Updated:


  • FAS8040
  • FAS8200


  • 1つのノードが停止したときに2台のシャーシのPSUがデグレードした
  • 停止したノードがHAパートナーノードによってテイクオーバーされます。
  • EMS log showの次のメッセージが表示されます。

Time                Node             Severity      Event
------------------- ---------------- ------------- ---------------------------

1/22/2023 13:43:48  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Over Curr is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:48  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Over Volt is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:48  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Over Temp is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:48  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Fan2 Fault is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:48  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan1 Speed is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:48  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Current is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:48  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Temperature is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:32  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Fan2 Speed is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:32  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Fan1 Fault is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:32  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Fan1 Speed is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:32  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan1 Fault is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:17  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Current is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:17  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 2 is degraded: PSU2 Temperature is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:17  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Over Curr is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:17  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Over Volt is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:17  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Over Temp is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:17  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan2 Fault is Unreadable
1/22/2023 13:43:17  NetApp-01       NOTICE        monitor.chassisPowerSupply.degraded: Chassis power supply 1 is degraded: PSU1 Fan2 Speed is Unreadable

  • system node run -node * -command  environment statusコマンドを使用して次の項目を確認します。

Node: NetApp-01
Sensor Name              State          Current    Critical     Warning     Warning    Critical
                                        Reading       Low         Low         High       High
PSU2 Bad                                  TRUE
PSU1 Bad                                  TRUE
PSU2 need replacement                       NO
PSU1 need replacement                       NO
PSU2 State                                 BAD
PSU1 State                                 BAD
Sysfan3 F2                                GOOD
Sysfan3 F1                                GOOD
Sysfan2 F2                                GOOD
Sysfan2 F1                                GOOD
Sysfan1 F2                                GOOD
Sysfan1 F1                                GOOD
Is Chassis Overtemp?                    NORMAL_TEMP
Thermal Shutdown                            UP
In Flow Temp Avg         normal            25 C         0 C        10 C        50 C        56 C    
PSU2 FRU Fan                               BAD
PSU2 FRU Power                              ON
PSU1 FRU Fan                               BAD
PSU1 FRU Power                              ON
Fan1 FRU INFO                           FRU_AVAIL
Fan2 FRU INFO                           FRU_AVAIL
Fan3 FRU INFO                           FRU_AVAIL
PSU1 FRU INFO                           FRU_AVAIL
PSU2 FRU INFO                           FRU_AVAIL
Fan1                                      GOOD
Fan2                                      GOOD
Fan3                                      GOOD
PSU1                                    MULTIFAULT
PSU2                                    MULTIFAULT
PSU1 Present                            PRESENT
PSU1 Temp                not_available     -- C         0 C         5 C        50 C        60 C    
PSU1 Curr                not_available     -- mA       --          --          --          --      
PSU1 Fan1 Speed          not_available     -- RPM    4500 RPM    4600 RPM      --          --      
PSU1 Fan1 Fault          not_available      --
PSU1 Fan2 Speed          not_available     -- RPM    4500 RPM    4600 RPM      --          --      
PSU1 Fan2 Fault          not_available      --
PSU1 Pwr In OK                              OK
PSU1 Pwr Out OK                             OK
PSU1 FAULT                                  OK
PSU1 Input Type          not_available      --
PSU1 Over Temp           not_available      --
PSU1 Over Volt           not_available      --
PSU1 Over Curr           not_available      --
PSU2 Present                            PRESENT
PSU2 Temp                not_available     -- C         0 C         5 C        50 C        60 C    
PSU2 Curr                not_available     -- mA       --          --          --          --      
PSU2 Fan1 Speed          not_available     -- RPM    4500 RPM    4600 RPM      --          --      
PSU2 Fan1 Fault          not_available      --
PSU2 Fan2 Speed          not_available     -- RPM    4500 RPM    4600 RPM      --          --      
PSU2 Fan2 Fault          not_available      --
PSU2 Pwr In OK                              OK
PSU2 Pwr Out OK                             OK
PSU2 FAULT                                  OK
PSU2 Input Type          not_available      --
PSU2 Over Temp           not_available      --
PSU2 Over Volt           not_available      --
PSU2 Over Curr           not_available      --
Bat Present                             PRESENT


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