

not set
not set
Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FAS / AFFシステム


  • 管理ポートe0Mでフラッピングが検出され、次のイベントが報告されます。

[Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portdown:notice]: A link down event was received on node Node-01, port e0M.
[Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portup:notice]: A link up event was received on node Node-01, port e0M.

[Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portdown:notice]: A link down event was received on node Node-01, port e0M.
[Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portup:notice]: A link up event was received on node Node-01, port e0M.

  • リンクフラッピングが原因でe0Mポートがデグレード状態になっています:

vifmgr.port.monitor.failed: The "link_flapping" health check for port e0M (node cdotsom30h) has failed. The port is operating in a degraded state.

  • ポートは 1Gbpsではなく10 Mbpsで動作しています。


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