NVD NVMeブートデバイスのレイテンシがしきい値を超えました
- NVMeブートデバイス
- AFFシステム
- FASシステム
- ONTAPイベントでNVMeブートデバイスのレイテンシが報告されます。 EMSログの例:
[node_name: kernel: device.latency.threshold:notice]: The device latency in microseconds exceeded the threshold value for device "nvd0" and the associated target device "n/a". The threshold is "25000", execution latency is "27662", total latency is "27666", and the number of operations for this period is "32".
[node_name: kernel: device.latency.threshold:notice]: The device latency in microseconds exceeded the threshold value for device "nvd0" and the associated target device "n/a". The threshold is "25000", execution latency is "26754", total latency is "26758", and the number of operations for this period is "34".
- 提供されているデータにパフォーマンス問題が検出されませんでした