
AFF A400 / FAS8300はNVMEMバッテリがないためシャットダウンします

Last Updated:


  • AFF A400
  • FAS 8300
  • FAS 8700
  • ONTAP 9


  • ノードがシャットダウンし、NVRAMバッテリがないことが報告される
Thu Feb 03 13:57:59 +0000 [node-01: env_mgr: nvmem.battery.notPresent:alert]: The NVMEM battery is not present. To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 5 minutes.
Thu Feb 03 14:00:00 +0000 [node-01: statd: monitor.nvramLowBattery:EMERGENCY]: NVRAM battery is dangerously low.
  • ブート時のコンソールメッセージ:

 WARNING:  The battery is experiencing a critical failure:
    - Battery is not present
   Without a working battery, the system cannot retain data
   during a power outage, which can result in data loss.
   Power down the system and verify that the battery is
   properly installed.
   To ignore this failure and boot the system in a mode
   where data loss might occur, press 'c' followed by 'Enter'

May 03 20:34:08 [node-01:nvmem.battery.notPresent:ALERT]: The NVMEM battery is not present. To prevent data loss, the system will shut down in 5 minutes.

May 03 20:34:08 [node-01:callhome.battery.failure:EMERGENCY]: Call home for BATTERY (not present) CRITICAL.

  • BMCにログインしようとすると失敗し、次のメッセージが表示されます。
/usr/local/bin/systemshell: Too many open files in system


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