- CN1610
- CN1610 が不足していたことを示すメッセージを受信しました:
Fri Aug 14 20:32:50 EDT [node_name: vifmgr: vifmgr.clntdev.removed:notice]: Remote device clusterswitch_name (model: CN1610) was removed from the cluster network.
Fri Aug 14 2020, 20:39:06 EDT HA Group Notification (Health Monitor process cshm: ClusterSwitchMissing_Alert[node_name]) ALERT
- そのスイッチの管理ポートとコンソールポートにはアクセスできません。
- スイッチログには次の情報が表示
Image flash0.mtd2: activated. ... PCI[0] bus 0 slot 0/0: unknown vendor 0x1057 product 0x000d (PowerPC processor, rev 0x11) PCI[0] bus 0 slot 15/0: Broadcom product 0x3820 (miscellaneous network, rev 0x11) >>> PCI[0] bus 0 slot 15/0: (16) not enough PCI mem space (-2147418112 requested) ... >>> ../../../../andl/hapi/esw/usl/stacking_binds/broad_hpc_binds.c 215: In hpcHardwareInit call to 'hpcBoardGet' - FAILED LVL7 SIGSEGV Handler This build was configured to copy this crash information to a file.