ONTAP-32819:『Memory Leak問題in Anti-ransomware』
- A memory leak issue is identified in the Anti-ransomware feature.
- This leak occurs on a system having one or more volumes in an anti-ransomware-enabled state.
- This leak doesn't occur if the volume is in an Anti-ransomware disabled, learning (dry-run), or paused state.
- A minimal amount of memory gets leaked when Anti-ransomware tries to detect the potential ransomware pattern.
- The total amount of memory leaked over time can result in system disruption with a string "Process mgwd unresponsive for 210 seconds".
- For the cumulative memory leak to cause the system reboot, the system should have received millions of file-create operations or many terabytes of high-entropy data via write-operations.
- Post disruption, the system will reboot to a normal state and all the volumes will come online.