CONTAP-178830:pubsub::config_writer eventsでMGWDがスパムされました
- Mgwd logs are flooded with pubsub::configwriter messages.
[kern_mgwd:info:3002] 0x82a4fea00: 0: INFO: pubsub::config_writer: updateRouterConfig:src/ writing to PubSub router config file qdrouterd.conf [kern_mgwd:info:3002] 0x82a4fea00: 0: INFO: pubsub::config_writer: write_router_config_file:src/ Router config file has connectors ( [kern_mgwd:info:3002] 0x82a4fea00: 0: INFO: pubsub::config_writer: updateBrokerConfig:src/ writing to PubSub client broker urls config file client_broker_urls.conf [kern_mgwd:info:3002] 0x82a4fea00: 0: INFO: pubsub::config_writer: updateBrokerConfig:src/ writing to PubSub config file qpidd.conf
- The log spam is quite significant is causing mgwd logs to rapidly rotate and makes it more difficult to weed out important messages in the mgwd.log.