
CONTAP-211443:Cloud key-manager対応のSVMからkey-managerが設定されていないSVMにボリュームをリホストすると、暗号化されたボリュームにアクセスできなくなり、リカバリできなくなる可能性がある

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In a situation where 'volume rehost' is attempted
  • from a Cloud key manager enabled vserver.
    • to a vserver with no key manager.
    • no key-manager configured in the admin vserver.
Will result in the cloud keystore being in a mixed state
  • Vserver encryption will be in a state where encrypted volumes cannot be created, deleted or moved.
In this state, the cloud key manager SHOULD NOT be disabled. Doing so would lead to
  • the SVM-KEK being deleted.
    • all encrypted volumes associated with the vserver becoming inaccessible after a subsequent node reboot.

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