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  • When a replicated database (RDB) instance experiences below, it can cause RDB read latencies to begin increasing over time.
    • A volume of high concurrent read requests generated from external and/or internal workflows for an extended period of time(hours on end)
    • This is combined with frequent writes (transactions)
  • This can eventually lead to various management operations and commands timing out.
  • If this issue affects the volume location database (VLDB), it can affect data volume access causing NFS protocol delays and timeouts.
  • Additionally, such a high rate of concurrent read requests and ongoing transactions can result in the database journal file, rdb.db-wal, to grow large in size (that is, hundreds of megabytes or even several gigabytes).
  • In turn, this might lead to affected management processes going in and out of quorum, re-joining quorum taking extra time, and longer than normal process startup times.

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