

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FAS / ASA / AFF
  • ONTAP のアップグレード


  • NVRAMログが同期されていないためANDUが一時停止しましたエラー:
Cluster::*> storage failover show
Node      Partner     Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
        Node-a800- false   Connected to Node-a800-02,
        02            Partial giveback, Takeover is not
                    possible: The version of software
                    running on each node of the SFO pair
                    is incompatible, NVRAM log not
        Node-a800- false   Connected to Node-a800-01.
        01            Waiting for cluster applications to
                    come online on the local node.
                    Offline applications: mgmt, vldb,
                    vifmgr, bcomd, crs, scsi blade,
                    clam. Takeover is not possible: The
                    version of software running on each
                    node of the SFO pair is incompatible,
                    NVRAM log not synchronized
2 entries were displayed.
  • すべてのクラスタリングが停止しています。
Cluster::*> cluster ring show
Node    UnitName Epoch   DB Epoch DB Trnxs Master   Online
--------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- ---------
Node-a800-01 mgmt 0   2351   1     -     offline
Node-a800-01 vldb 0   2706   1     -     offline
Node-a800-01 vifmgr 0  2710   1     -     offline
Node-a800-01 bcomd 0   2700   1     -     offline
Node-a800-01 crs 0    2705   1     -     offline
Node-a800-02 mgmt 0   2350   1     -     offline
Node-a800-02 vldb 0   2705   1     -     offline
Node-a800-02 vifmgr 0  2709   1     -     offline
Node-a800-02 bcomd 0   2699   1     -     offline
Node-a800-02 crs 0    2704   1     -     offline
10 entries were displayed.
  • パートナーノードがクラスタシェルから応答していません:
Cluster::*> system node run -node * version
2 entries were acted on.
Node: Node-a800-01
NetApp Release 9.11.1P12: Fri Sep 22 07:58:50 EDT 2023
Node: Node-a800-02
Node is not responding.
  • バージョンの不一致を許可してテイクオーバーを実行しようとしましたが、次のエラーで失敗しました:
cluster::*> storage failover takeover -ofnode Node-a800-02 -skip-lif-migration-before-takeover true -option allow-version-mismatch
Warning: Initiating a takeover while the partner is running a mismatched ONTAP
     version is not recommended, unless you are performing a nondisruptive
     upgrade or downgrade. Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Error: command failed: Failed to initiate takeover. Reason: partner versions of
    WAFL and/or RAID are newer than this node.

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