
SMTP転送の使用時にAutoSupport 送信エラーが発生しました

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • SMTP転送を使用して設定されたAutoSupport


  • AutoSupport SMTP エラーです。


::> system node autosupport history show -node FCFN0101 -instance output
transmission-failed: Failed sending data to the peer

  • SMTP; Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM エラーメッセージが見つかりました。


::> node run -node node_name -command rdfile /etc/log/mlog/notifyd.log
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: SMTP 0x808a47648 state change from EHLO to STOP)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: STATE: PROTOCONNECT => DO handle 0x808f2c008; line 1611 (connection #0))
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: DO phase starts)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: MAIL FROM: from_email@domain.com)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: SMTP 0x808a47648 state change from STOP to MAIL)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: STATE: DO => DOING handle 0x808f2c008; line 1660 (connection #0))
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: 530 5.7.57 SMTP; Client was not authenticated to send anonymous mail during MAIL FROM)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: MAIL failed: 530)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: DO phase failed)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: multi_done)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: Marked for [closure]: SMTP done with bad status)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: QUIT)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: SMTP 0x808a47648 state change from MAIL to QUIT)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: response reading failed)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: Closing connection 0)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: The cache now contains 0 members)
Mon Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: Expire cleared)
on Apr 25 2022 01:34:43 +02:00 (message: Failed to transmit smtp asup 4677, curl error: Failed sending data to the peer)

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