
CRC Errors Detected -クラスタポートで高CRCエラーが検出されました

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FAS / AFFシステム
  • クラスタスイッチ


  • 1つのクラスタネットワークポートから、1時間ごとに大量のCRCエラーが報告されます。


[Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.hwerrors:alert]: Port e0a on node Node-01 is reporting a high number (at least 1 per 1000 packets) of observed hardware errors (CRC, length, alignment, dropped).
[Node-01: vifmgr: callhome.clus.net.degraded:alert]: Call home for CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED: CRC Errors Detected - High CRC errors detected on port e0a node Node-01
  • 複数のシステムヘルスアラートが 問題のソースを参照しています。

The percentage of inbound packet errors of node "node_name-01" on interface "e0a" is above the warning threshold.
The percentage of inbound packet errors of switch interface "switch_name-01/Slot: 0 Port: 2 25G - Level" is above the warning threshold.
The percentage of outbound packet errors of switch interface "switch_name-01/Slot: 0 Port: 1 25G - Level" is above the warning threshold.
  • すべてのノードのクラスタLIFから、パケット損失イベントの合計が1つのクラスタLIFに報告されます。

[Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.droppedall:alert]: Total packet loss when pinging from cluster lif Node-01_clus2 (node Node-01) to cluster lif Node-02_clus2 (node Node-02).
[Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.cluscheck.droppedall:alert]: Total packet loss when pinging from cluster lif Node-02_clus1 (node Node-01) to cluster lif Node-02_clus2 (node Node-02).

  • 一方のポートで受信され、もう一方のポートに送信されたエラー:


(switch_name-01)#show interface 0/1
Interface :.................................. 0/1
Packets Received Without Error................. 24203865
Packets Received With Error.................... 0
Broadcast Packets Received..................... 4279
Receive Packets Discarded...................... 375
Packets Transmitted Without Errors............. 24677379
Transmit Packets Discarded..................... 897376
Transmit Packet Errors......................... 897376

(switch_name-01)#show interface 0/2
Interface :.................................. 0/2
Packets Received Without Error................. 15630167
Packets Received With Error.................... 1019693
Broadcast Packets Received..................... 2265
Receive Packets Discarded...................... 13565
Packets Transmitted Without Errors............. 15644072
Transmit Packets Discarded..................... 1156
Transmit Packet Errors......................... 0


(switch_name-01)#show interface Ethernet1/12
Ethernet1/1/2 is up
admin state is up, Dedicated Interface
  Hardware: 10000 Ethernet, address: dc0b.0919.9299 (bia dc0b.0919.9299)
  MTU 9216 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit , DLY 10 usec

   5319553944 unicast packets  1070121 multicast packets  1179662 broadcast packets
   5579105056 input packets  15897572746528 bytes
   1855198116 jumbo packets  0 storm suppression bytes
   0 runts  518955 giants  256782374 CRC 0 no buffer
  257301329 input error 0 short frame  0 overrun   0 underrun  0 ignored
   0 watchdog  0 bad etype drop  0 bad proto drop  0 if down drop
   0 input with dribble  0 input discard
   0 Rx pause

  • System health subsystem show コマンドは、 マザーボードやスイッチの状態を「Degraded」と報告できます。

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