- FlexGroup
- ボリュームのオートサイズ
- ボリュームから次のエラーが断続的に
debug vreport show
volume Differences:
Name Reason Attributes
-------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------
svm1:vol1__0001 Present in VLDB and WAFL volume busy
Node Name: node1
Volume DSID:1630 MSID:2150517991
UUID: unknown
Aggregate Name: CLUS_DR_AGGR1
Aggregate UUID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vserver UUID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AccessType: DP_READ_ONLY
StorageType: REGULAR
Constituent Role: none
junction Differences:
Name Reason Attributes
-------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------
svm1:vol1__0001 Child volume not present in WAFL
Parent Info:
VolName: vs1_dr_root
MSID: 2150517943 DSID: 1606 vsID: 3
Child: (Not Present in WAFL)
VolName: fg__0001
MSID: 0 DSID: 1630 vsID: 3
snapmirror Differences:
Name Reason Attributes
-------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------
CLUS_DR:svm1:2150517991 Destination volume not present in WAFL. To force the removal of the SnapMirror entry, run 'debug vreport fix -type snapmirror -sm-force-clean-up'
Relation Type: DP
Source ClusterName: CLUS_SRC (Remote)
SrcVolName: vol1__0001
SrcDsid: Unknown
SrcMsid: 2148961849
Destination ClusterName: CLUS_DR (local)
DstVolName: vol1__0001(Not in WAFL)
DstDsid: 1630
DstMsid: 2150517991
- EMSでオートサイズに関するメッセージが繰り返し表示されます。
Sun Jan 01 00:25:51 -0600 [cluster-01: wafl_exempt20: wafl_vol_autoSize_done_1:notice]: params: {'object_uuid': 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'event_type': 'shrink', 'vol': 'vol1__0001', 'app': '', 'volident': '@vserver:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'size': '1.00GB