
How to troubleshoot bug 1465726 during ANDU

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Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Automated Non Disruptive Upgrade (ANDU)
  • Panic


  • During an ANDU the symptoms of bug 1465726 are seen
  • When a node initiates shutdown (for example during takeover triggered by ANDU), it panics with:

PANIC: page fault (supervisor read data, page not present) on VA 0x20 cs:rip 0x20:0xffffffff8069859e rflags 0x10046 in process mlogd onrelease 9.10.0P1 (C)

PANIC: page fault (supervisor read data, page not present) on VA 0x448 cs:rip 0x20:0xffffffff806b62b9 rflags 0x10246 in process secd on release 9.11.1P8 (C)

  • Data outage during  during ONTAP major-version ANDU (e.g. 9.9.1 to 9.11.1P14):

LIFs cannot be hosted:

Sat Apr 22 2023 10:33:01 GMT  [Cluster1-n02: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifbeingremoved:NOTICE]: LIF lif_n01_mgmt (on virtual server 44), IP address, is being removed from node Cluster1-n02, port a0l-179.

When the node that paniced is up again, LIFs are hosted and data access is restored:

 Sat Apr 22 2023 12:45:57  GMT  [Cluster1-n01: vifmgr: vifmgr.lifsuccessfullymoved:NOTICE]: LIF lif_ALE_n01_179_mgmt (on virtual server 44), IP address, is now hosted on node Cluster1-n01, port a0l-179.



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