ONTAP 9を使用しているクラスタポートでのL2到達可能性の問題13.1以降
- ONTAP 9 .13.1以降
- スイッチレス クラスタ
- クラスタポートのみ
- クラスタポートまたはデータポートが「l2_reachability」であることを示しています。
Tue Jan 23 18:06:43 +0900 [Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.reach.noreach:notice]: Network port e4e on node Node-01 cannot reach its expected broadcast domain Cluster:Cluster. No other broadcast domains appear to be reachable from this port.
Tue Jan 23 18:06:44 +0900 [Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.port.monitor.failed:error]: The "l2_reachability" health check for port e4e (node Node-01) has failed. The port is operating in a degraded state.
Tue Jan 23 18:06:44 +0900 [Node-01: vifmgr: callhome.clus.net.degraded:alert]: Call home for CLUSTER NETWORK DEGRADED: Insufficient L2 Reachability - Insufficient L2 Reachability detected from cluster port e4e on node Node-01.
- しばらくすると、到達可能性が復元されます。
Tue Jan 23 18:06:57 +0900 [Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.reach.ok:notice]: Network port e4e on node Node-01 can reach its expected broadcast domain Cluster:Cluster. No other broadcast domains appear to be reachable from this port.
Tue Jan 23 18:07:14 +0900 [Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.port.monitor.passed:notice]: The "l2_reachability" health check for port e4e (node Node-01) has passed.
Tue Jan 23 18:07:14 +0900 [Node-01: vifmgr: vifmgr.portHealthy:notice]: The health status of port e4e (node Node-01) has changed from degraded to healthy. This port can now be used for hosting LIFs.