ONTAPのアップグレードが失敗する- SSL FIPSモードが有効になっていると「aes128-gcm」と「aes256-gcm」がサポートされない
- FIPSが有効な場合のONTAPのアップグレード
- 更新の進行状況を確認
Cluster::> set diag
Cluster::*> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated Elapsed
Update Phase Status Duration Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:00:04
Data ONTAP updates paused-on-error 01:17:00 21:17:45
- アップグレード中に失敗したタスクの確認
Cluster::> set advanced
Cluster::*>system node upgrade-revert show -node Clustern1
Node: Clustern1 Status: aborted
Status Message: The upgrade aborted. Contact support personnel for the upgrade repair procedure.
Vers Phase Status Upgrade Phase Status Message
---- ---------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------
700 pre-root applied No upgrade is required for this phase.
700 pre-apps applied Upgrade successful.
700 post-apps aborted Cipher(s) "aes128-gcm" and "aes256-gcm" are not supported when SSL FIPS mode is enabled.
3 entries were displayed.
Cluster::*>system node upgrade-revert show -instance
Node Vers Phase ID Proc Status Description
------------ ---- --------- --- ------ ---------- -----------------------------
Clustern1 600 post-apps 637 mgwd aborted sshd config Maxauthtries Upgrade Revert Task