ONTAP アップグレード後のアプリケーションが「 SSL Config Upgrade/Revert Task 」というエラーで失敗しました
ONTAP 9.3P21.
Status Message: The upgrade aborted in the "post-apps" phase on task "SSL Config Upgrade/Revert Task". Contact support personnel for the upgrade repair procedure.
::*> upgrade-revert show-task-status -node * -status aborted
(system node upgrade-revert show-task-status)
Node Vers Phase ID Proc Status Description
------------ ---- --------- --- ------ ---------- -----------------------------
nodeA_FTS 700 post-apps 715 mgwd aborted SSL Config Upgrade/Revert Task
nodeB_FTS 700 post-apps 715 mgwd aborted SSL Config Upgrade/Revert Task
nodeC_FTS 700 post-apps 715 mgwd aborted SSL Config Upgrade/Revert Task