- ノードはオンラインでデータを提供し、アグリゲートはホストされていますが、クラスタ内で到達できません。
- 「MetroCluster check show -instance」コマンドを実行すると、次の出力が作成されます。
Time of Check: 4/24/2023 08:47:25
Name of the Component: nodes
Result of the Check: warning
Additional Information/Recovery Steps: All checks could not be run as some nodes were not reachable. Check if the cluster peer is available.
Time of Check: 4/24/2023 08:47:25
Name of the Component: lifs
Result of the Check: ok
Additional Information/Recovery Steps:
Time of Check: 4/24/2023 08:47:25
Name of the Component: config-replication
Result of the Check: ok
Additional Information/Recovery Steps:
Time of Check: 4/24/2023 08:47:25
Name of the Component: aggregates
Result of the Check: ok
Additional Information/Recovery Steps:
Time of Check: 4/24/2023 08:47:25
Name of the Component:clusters
Result of the Check: ok
Additional Information/Recovery Steps:
Time of Check:4/24/2023 08:47:25
Name of the Component: connections
Result of the Check: warning
Additional Information/Recovery Steps: The "ping" command terminated using the network addresses "" and "" on node "Node-02" in cluster "Cluster-01". Reason: Timeout: Operation "mccIpPingNetworkEndpoints_iterator::create_imp()" took longer than 25 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "Node-01" (VSID: -3) to mgwd at]
Time of Check: 4/24/2023 08:47:25
Name of the Component: volumes
Result of the Check: ok
Additional Information/Recovery Steps:
- LIFがdownと表示されることがある
- CLIを使用して実装されたコマンドは、タイムアウトエラーにより失敗することがあります。
::> storage failover takeover -ofnode Node_n2 -option normal
Warning: Unable to list entries on node Node_n2. Timeout: Operation "software_image_iterator::next()" took longer than 25 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "Node_N1" (VSID: -1) to mgwd at]