

Last Updated:


ONTAP 9(9.8P16より前)


  • 自動無停止アップグレード(ANDU)がエラーのため一時停止されました
    • EMSまたはcluster image show-update-progress の出力:
      Sat Jun 26 18:10:21 +0200 [cluster1-01: upgrademgr: upgrademgr.update.pausedErr:error]: The automated update of the cluster has been paused due to the following reason: Node "MUM": Error: {Not all aggregates are online}, Action: {Ensure all aggregates are online..}. Node "MUM": Error: {Cluster is not in quorum.}, Action: {Use the (privilege: advanced) "cluster ring show" command to verify all replication unit details..}.
    • system node upgrade-revert show 出力:

Status Message: The upgrade aborted. Contact support personnel for the upgrade repair procedure.
Provisioning of consistency group failed on "create" during upgrade. Reason: Node "node1" on ring "Management" is offline.
Check the health of the cluster using the "cluster show" command. For further assistance, contact technical support.

  • ストレージのギブバックを実行できなかったため、アップグレードプロセスが一時停止しました。ギブバック後にノードが「接続」状態ではありません。
  • リブート後にボリュームロケーションデータベース(VLDB)などのクラスタ管理アプリケーションがノードでオンラインにならない(高度なコマンドcluster ring show の出力に表示されます)。

::> set advanced

::*> cluster ring show
Node    UnitName Epoch   DB Epoch DB Trnxs Master   Online
--------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------- ---------
cluster1-01 mgmt   2     2     251    cluster1-01 master
cluster1-01 vldb   2     2     29     cluster1-01 master
cluster1-01 vifmgr 2     2     21     cluster1-01 master
cluster1-01 bcomd  2     2     7     cluster1-01 master
cluster1-01 crs   2     2     4     cluster1-01 master
cluster1-02 mgmt   2     2     251    cluster1-01 secondary
cluster1-02 vldb  0     36     1036078  -     offline
cluster1-02 vifmgr 2     2     21     cluster1-01 secondary
cluster1-02 bcomd  2     2     7     cluster1-01 secondary
cluster1-02 crs   2     2     4     cluster1-01 secondary



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