Snapshot からリストアすると、参照されていないボリュームに対するエラーが表示されます コマンドを実行します
ONTAP 9.6 および 9.7
Snapshot からのリストア時には、リストアは機能しますが、コマンドで参照されていないボリュームについてはオフラインエラーが表示されます
cluster1::*> volume snapshot restore -vserver svm1 -volume vol1 -snapshot base -force true
Warning: Quota rules currently enforced on volume vol1 may change during this operation. If the currently enforced quota rules are different from those in Snapshot copy base, you may have to
resize or reinitialize quotas on this volume after this operation.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Warning: Export policies currently enforced on the qtrees of volume "vol1" will not change during this operation. If the currently enforced export policies are different from those in
Snapshot copy "base", reassign the export policies of the qtrees on this volume after this operation.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Info: Unable to get information for Snapshot copies of volume "test" on Vserver "svm1". Reason: Volume not online.
Unable to get information for Snapshot copies of volume "test2" on Vserver "svm1". Reason: Volume not online.