FlexCache エラーが原因でボリュームを削除できません
- ONTAP 9.3以降
- FSx
cluster::*> volume delete -vserver vserver1 -volume vl1
Error: command failed:Volume "vol1" in Vserver"vserver1" is an origin of a FlexCache volume. To delete an origin of a FlexCache volume, you must first delete the FlexCache volumes that are in relationship with the origin. Use the "volume flexcache origin show-caches-origin-vserver vserver1 -origin-volume vol1" command to show the FlexCache volumes associated with the origin.
ただし、FlexCache volとして削除しようとすると、次のようになります。
cluster::*> vol flexcache delete -vserver vserver1 -volume vol1
Error: command failed: Cannot delete volume"vol1" in Vserver"vserver1" because it is not a FlexCache volume. Use the "volume delete -vserver vserver1 -volumevol1" command to delete the volume.
cluster::*> volume flexcache origin show-caches -origin-vserver vserver1 -origin-volume vol1
There are no entries matching your query.