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  • イメージの検証中にアップグレードが失敗して次のエラーが表示される:
 Failed to verify the signatures of the image. The image may have been corrupted. Replace the image, and then try the command again., Action: Use the "cluster show" command to verify that all nodes in the cluster are healthy. Use the "cluster image package show-repository" command to verify that the downloaded image has the correct version. If all nodes are healthy and the image has the correct version, wait a few minutes, and then use the "cluste image resume-update" command to resume the update. 


system node image update -replace image2 -node node1 -package http://Web_server/97P5_q_image.tgz -setdefault true

Warning: The recommended best-practice is to use the automated non-disruptive update procedure if you are attempting an    upgrade or a minor version downgrade. Refer to the Clustered Data ONTAP Upgrade and Revert/Downgrade Guide for details.

Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Software update started on node node1. Updating image2 with package   http://.../97P5_q_image.tgz.
Downloading package. This may take up to 20 minutes.
98% downloaded
Download complete.
Listing package contents.
Decompressing package contents.
Verifying package signature.
Install Failed.
Failed to verify the signatures of the image. The image may have been corrupted.

Replace the image, and then try the command again.
Error: command failed on node "netappnode01-dr": Install Failed. Failed to verify the signatures of the image. The image may have been corrupted. Replace the image, and then try the command again.

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