CONTAP-91073:MetroClusterシステムでlif modifyがピアクラスタにミラーされないことがある
Modifying a LIF on the MetroCluster system while LIF's sync destination SVM on the peer cluster is not fully synchronized and not in a healthy state might result in the modification not being mirrored on the sync destination SVM. This might also result in the sync destination SVM transitioning to the degraded replication state. During upgrade from 9.7P23 to 9.14.1P2 Cluster : cluster1Vserver : svm-1 Partner Vserver : svm-1-mc Configuration State : degraded Stream Status : operation-failed Corrective Action : Resynchronize the configuration using "metrocluster vserver resync" command. Contact technical support for assistance if configuration-state does not change to healthy. Failed Row : Table Name: vifsbyname, Operation: get, Fields: svm-1-mc lif1-svm-1 custom-data - data nfs cifs x.x 00 false - - a0a a0a up - true up system-defined mgmt false - none false false load NAS - ipv4 - -xxxxx -nic - if-group Failed Reason : Apply failed for Object: vifsbyname Method: baseline. Reason: NFS Kerberos is enabled on LIF "lif1-svm-1" of Vserver "svm-1-mc". Disable Kerberos using the command "vserver nfs kerberos interface disable -vserver svm-1-mc -lif lif1-svm-1" and try again.