

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • CIFS
  • 分離されたネームスペース


  • SVMが分離されたネームスペースのADドメインに参加
  • パスワードのリセットに失敗したため、KerberosのAES暗号化を有効にできません:

::> vserver cifs security modify -vserver svm1 -is-aes-encryption-enabled true
Error: command failed: Password update failed. Reason: SecD Error: no server available.

  • SVM CIFSセキュリティでクライアントセッションの署名や封印を有効にしたあとにAD-LDAP接続が失敗する

cluster2::> vserver cifs security show -vserver svm1

Vserver: svm1

               Kerberos Clock Skew:           5 minutes
               Kerberos Ticket Age:          10 hours
              Kerberos Renewal Age:           7 days
              Kerberos KDC Timeout:           3 seconds
               Is Signing Required:         false
         Is Password Complexity Required:         true
      Use start_tls for AD LDAP connection:         false
     (DEPRECATED)-Is AES Encryption Enabled:         true
             LM Compatibility Level:  lm-ntlm-ntlmv2-krb
           Is SMB Encryption Required:         false
            Client Session Security:         sign
  (DEPRECATED)-SMB1 Enabled for DC Connections:         false
         SMB2 Enabled for DC Connections:    system-default
  LDAP Referral Enabled For AD LDAP connections:         false
        Use LDAPS for AD LDAP connection:         false
    Encryption is required for DC Connections:         false
  AES session key enabled for NetLogon channel:         false
   Try Channel Binding For AD LDAP Connections:         true
     Encryption Types Advertised to Kerberos:
                      aes-256, aes-128, rc4, des

  • EMSログに secd.conn.auth.failure エラーが記録される
  • SecDログには、次のエントリが含まれる場合があります。

Rcode received from the DNS server( 0 when querying
Getting credentials SVM1$@SUB.DOMAIN.COM -> ldap/ad1.domain.com@
Retrying SVM1$@SUB.DOMAIN.COM -> ldap/ad1.domain.com@SUB.DOMAIN.COM with result: -1765328243/Matching credential not found
TGS request result: -1765328377/Server not found in Kerberos database
GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information (Server not found in Kerberos database)

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