
ifstat 内のバスオーバーラン破棄数が大きいポート

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  • ONTAP 9
  • CIFS / SMB
  • NFS
  • LACP


  • NASプロトコルのパフォーマンスの問題
  • ifstat 出力 

-- interface  e0f  (6 days, 16 hours, 29 minutes, 42 seconds) --

 Total frames:      949m | Frames/second:    1642  | Total bytes:      3612g
 Bytes/second:     6251k | Total errors:        0  | Errors/minute:       0
 Total discards:    127k | Discards/minute:    13  | Multi/broadcast:   134k
 Non-primary u/c:     0  | CRC errors:          0  | Runt frames:         0
 Long frames:         0  | Length errors:       0  | Alignment errors:    0
 No buffer:           0  | Pause:               0  | Jumbo:               0
 Noproto:             0  | Bus overruns:      127k | LRO segments:     7122m
 LRO bytes:        3543g | LRO6 segments:       0  | LRO6 bytes:          0
 Bad UDP cksum:       0  | Bad UDP6 cksum:      0  | Bad TCP cksum:       0
 Bad TCP6 cksum:      0  | Mcast v6 solicit:    0
 Total frames:      755m | Frames/second:    1307  | Total bytes:      3584g
 Bytes/second:     6203k | Total errors:        0  | Errors/minute:       0
 Total discards:      0  | Queue overflow:      0  | Multi/broadcast: 64689
 Pause:               0  | Jumbo:            1506m | Cfg Up to Downs:     0
 TSO segments:      469m | TSO bytes:        3341g | TSO6 segments:       0
 TSO6 bytes:          0  | HW UDP cksums:       0  | HW UDP6 cksums:      0
 HW TCP cksums:     755m | HW TCP6 cksums:      0  | Mcast v6 solicit:    0
 Mcast addresses:     3  | Rx MBuf Sz:       4096
 Speed:           10000M | Duplex:            full | Flowcontrol:       none
 Media state:     active | Up to downs:          1

  • RECEIVE サイドインクリメントは、短時間で廃棄およびマルチブロードキャストトラフィックを処理します。

-- interface  e0g  (0 hours, 4 minutes, 29 seconds) --

Total frames:    3989  | Frames/second:    15  | Total bytes:     612k
Bytes/second:    2278  | Total errors:     0  | Errors/minute:     0
Total discards:   102m | Discards/minute: 22767k | Multi/broadcast:   199m
Non-primary u/c:    0  | CRC errors:      0  | Runt frames:      0
Long frames:      0  | Length errors:     0  | Alignment errors:   0
No buffer:       0  | Pause:         0  | Jumbo:        258k
Noproto:        0  | Bus overruns:    102m | LRO segments:    652m
LRO bytes:     2574  | LRO6 segments:     0  | LRO6 bytes:      0
Bad UDP cksum:     0  | Bad UDP6 cksum:    0  | Bad TCP cksum:     0
Bad TCP6 cksum:    0  | Mcast v6 solicit:   0  | Lagg errors:      0
Lacp errors:      0  | Lacp PDU errors:    0

  • 単一ポートがインターフェイスグループとの間で移行中である可能性があります。 

net.ifgrp.lacp.link.inactive:error]: ifgrp a0a, port e0g has transitioned to an inactive state. The interface group is in a degraded state.
net.ifgrp.lacp.link.active:notice]: ifgrp a0a, port e0g has transitioned to the active state.

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