セキュリティデーモン( secd )が UID と名前でローカル UNIX ユーザを検出できませんでした
- ONTAP 9.3P5 以前
- clustered Data ONTAP 8
- Security daemon ( secd )が、一部の UNIX ユーザを UID と名前で検索または変換できません。
- 新しく作成されたローカル UNIX ユーザもこの問題の影響を受けます。
- 影響を受ける UNIX ユーザは、データをマウントおよびアクセスできません。
- ONTAP のバージョン制限に対するユーザの数 - すべてのユーザの制限に問題はありません
Cluster1::> set advanced
Cluster1::*> vserver services name-service unix-group max-limit show
Limit Current Count
-------------- --------------
16384 344
Cluster1::*> vserver services name-service unix-user max-limit show
Limit Current Count
-------------- --------------
16384 864
- 定義された UNIX ユーザの詳細:
Cluster1::*> unix-user show -vserver SVM01 -user NewUser
Vserver: SVM01
User Name: NewUser
User ID: 1234
Primary Group ID: 321
User's Full Name:
- UNIX 名と UID の両方の変換が失敗します
Cluster1::*> diag secd authentication translate -node NODE01 -vserver SVM01 -uid 1234
Vserver: SVM01 (internal ID: 8)
Error: Acquire UNIX credentials procedure failed
[ 0 ms] Entry for user-id: 1234 not found in the current source:
FILES. Entry for user-id: 1234 not found in any of the available sources
**[ 0] FAILURE: Unable to retrieve UNIX username for UID 1234
Error: command failed: Failed to resolve User ID '1234' to a user name. Reason: "SecD Error: object not found".
Cluster1::*> diag secd authentication translate -node NODE01 -vserver SVM01 -unix-user-name NewUser
Vserver: SVM01 (internal ID: 8)
Error: Acquire UNIX credentials procedure failed
[ 0 ms] Entry for user-name: NewUser not found in the current
source: FILES. Entry for user-name: NewUser not found in
any of the available sources
**[ 0] FAILURE: Unable to retrieve UID for UNIX user NewUser
Error: command failed: Failed to resolve user name to a UNIX ID. Reason: "SecD Error: object not found"
- UNIX ユーザクレデンシャルの表示に失敗する
Cluster1::*> diag secd authentication show-creds -node NODE01 -vserver SVM01 -unix-user-name NewUser
Vserver: SVM01 (internal ID: 8)
Error: Acquire UNIX credentials procedure failed
[ 0 ms] Entry for user-name: NewUser not found in the current
source: FILES. Entry for user-name: NewUser not found in
any of the available sources
**[ 0] FAILURE: Unable to retrieve UID for UNIX user NewUser
Error: command failed: Failed to resolve user name to a UNIX ID. Reason: "SecD Error: object not found".