

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9.3
  • ONTAP 9.9
  • iSCSI




  • EMSログ:

Thu Jul 09 10:11:31 IDT [netappn1: TimerCallback: scsiblade.vserver.op.timeout:EMERGENCY]: A Vserver internal operation (0xd9) has timed out. Vserver san might not be available to process additional SAN management commands and events.
Thu Jul 09 10:11:31 IDT [netappn1: TimerCallback: scsiblade.vserver.op.timeout.debug:debug]: A Vserver internal operation (0xd9) has timed out. Vserver san might not be available to process additional SAN management commands and events. The caller is function 'bcomka_alias_iscsimgt_icm_commi' of file 110, at line 90. The BCOMKA transaction number is -9006099743113215996 and the sub transation number is 0.
Thu Jul 09 10:11:31 IDT [netappn1: notifyd: callhome.sblade.vs.op.tt:error]: Call home for SCSIBLADE VSERVER OPERATION TIMEOUT


  • BCOMDログ

[kern_bcomd:info:8269] 0x80afcbc00: 8603e80000138e57: ERR: SAN::ISCSI::LIF::CONFIG: src/tables/iscsiLifConfig.cc:populateFields:134 Failed to lookup rtpid 011cf3dc-c0d9-11e3-b7e2-123478563412:aca21a5d-74a8-11e4-8117-123478563412: entry doesn't exist

::*> storage failover show
Node       Partner     Possible State Description
-------------- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------
netappn1     netappn2     true    Connected to netappn2
netappn2     netappn1     true    Connected to netappn1.
                       Waiting for cluster applications to
                     come online on the local node.
                    Offline applications: scsi blade.
2 entries were displayed.

::*> network interface show -data-protocol fcp -fields status-admin,status-oper,status-extended
vserver   lif   status-oper status-extended    status-admin
--------- ----- ----------- ------------------- ------------
san     n1_0e down     LIF not initialized up
san     n1_0g down     LIF not initialized up
san     n2_0e -       -           up
san     n2_0g -       -           up
4 entries were displayed.


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