FCP pingが失敗して、pingステータスがnot-reachableになります
- Cisco Native FNIC(nfnic)ドライバ4.0.65-1OEM.670.0.8169922および5.0.12-1OEM.700.1.0.15849807
- vserver fcp ping-initiator showでping status: not-reachableと表示されます
::> vserver fcp ping-initiator show -vserver NetApp -wwpn 20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx
Node Logical Ping Extended
Vserver WWPN Name Interface Status Status
--------- ----------------- ---------- --------- ----------- -----------------
20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx AFFA1-01 lif-AFFA1-01 not-reachable -
20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx AFFA1-01 lif-AFFA1-02 not-reachable -
20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx AFFA1-02 lif-AFFA1-03 not-reachable -
::> vserver fcp ping-initiator show -vserver NetApp -lif lif-AFFA1-01 -wwpn 20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx
Vserver: NetApp
Remote WWPN: 20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx
LIF Name: lif-AFFA1-01
Node: AFFA1-01
Ping Status: not-reachable
Extended Status: -
- スイッチのfctpingで問題は発生しない:
switch# fcping pwwn 20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx vsan 500
28 bytes from 20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx time = 297 usec
28 bytes from 20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx time = 207 usec
28 bytes from 20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx time = 261 usec
28 bytes from 20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx time = 260 usec
28 bytes from 20:00:00:25:xx:xx:xx:xx time = 224 usec
5 frames sent, 5 frames received, 0 timeouts
Round-trip min/avg/max = 207/249/297 usec
- EMSでペイロードの不一致が表示される:
1/6/2022 11:26:00 AFFA1-01 ERROR scsitarget.fct.pingErr: FC ping failed because of a mismatch between request and response payloads. The request payload is 0x81 and the response payload is 0x0 at index 248. The link rate of the port is 32.
1/6/2022 11:26:00 AFFA1-02 ERROR scsitarget.fct.pingErr: FC ping failed because of a mismatch between request and response payloads. The request payload is 0x81 and the response payload is 0x0 at index 248. The link rate of the port is 32.