XCP Verify でステータスが「 Failed 」と表示される
NetApp XCP
[root@xcprhel8 linux]# ./xcp verify -noId -v -parallel 7 -nodata 10.xx.xx.xx:/test1 10.xx.xx.xx:/nfstest
XCP 1.6.1; (c) 2020 NetApp, Inc.; Licensed to user1 [NetApp Inc] until Wed Dec 16 03:39:42 2020
xcp: compare1 'file5': WARNING: (error) source file not found on target: nfs3 LOOKUP 'file5' in '10.xx.xx.xx:/nfstest/user1': nfs3 error 2: no such file or directory
xcp: compare1 'file7': WARNING: (error) source file not found on target: nfs3 LOOKUP 'file7' in '10.xx.xx.xx:/nfstest/user1': nfs3 error 2: no such file or directory
xcp: compare1 'file6': WARNING: (error) source file not found on target: nfs3 LOOKUP 'file6' in '10.xx.xx.xx:/nfstest/user1': nfs3 error 2: no such file or directory
xcp: compare1 'file8': ERROR: 10.xx.xx.xx:/nfstest/user1/file8: different size (588390, 650062)
xcp: compare1 'file9': WARNING: 10.xx.xx.xx:/nfstest/user1/file9: different attrs (Mtime)
Sending statistics...
Xcp command : xcp verify -noId -v -parallel 7 -nodata 10.xx.xx.xx:/test1 10.xx.xx.xx:/nfstest
Stats : 13 scanned, 10 found (0 have data), 1 different attr, 1 different mod time, 3 errors
Speed : 6.71 KiB in (1.41 KiB/s), 4.04 KiB out (870/s)
Total Time : 4s.