
Storage Efficiencyの異常が原因で監査ログが切り捨てられました

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM)のStorage Efficiency異常アラート。
  • 監査ログ:


  • AIQUMのアラート:
 Risk - Volume storage efficiency anomaly Impact Area - Capacity Severity - Warning State - New Source - vserver_02:/vol_02 Cluster Name - cluster-01 Cluster FQDN - cluster-01.somedomain.lokal
Trigger Condition - The behavior of volume storage efficiency is not following its historical established pattern.
  • EMS ログ:
[?] Sat Sep 03 01:59:44 +0200 [cluster-01: mgwd:audit.log.event:notice]: Auditing error (Audit messages started to drop. Reason = No buffer space available) occurred at 2022-09-0301:59:44. [?] Sat Sep 03 01:59:45 +0200 [cluster-01: mgwd: audit.log.event:notice]: Auditing error (Audit messages transmissionresumed.) occurred at 2022-09-03 01:59:45. [?] Sat Sep 03 01:59:54 +0200 [cluster-01: mgwd: audit.log.event:notice]: Auditing error(Audit messages started to drop. Reason = No buffer space available) occurred at 2022-09-03 01:59:54. [?] Sat Sep 03 01:59:59 +0200 [cluster-01: mgwd: audit.log.event:notice]: Auditing error (Audit messages transmission resumed.) occurred at 2022-09-03 01:59:59.

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