「 security key-manager delete-kmip-config 」コマンドでエラーが表示される: command failed
- ONTAP 9.0+
- 外部キーマネージャ( KMIP )
- MSID 0x0 には、データ認証キーと FIPS 準拠認証キーが設定されます
- "" を実行すると
security key-manager delete-kmip-config
エラーが発生します :
Error: command failed:
One or more Storage Encryption devices are assigned an authentication
key. Use the command "storage encryption disk show" and "storage
encryption disk show -fips" to show the devices that have authentication
keys other than the default Manufacture Secure ID (MSID, denoted by
keyID "0x0" commands to exit FIPS-compliance mode and to change the data
authentication key to the default Manufacture Secure ID.