
オブジェクトストア設定の作成が失敗する理由:errno:Connection reset by peer

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP9
  • FabricPool
  • S3証明書の検証


  • オブジェクトストア設定の作成が失敗する:

::*> storage aggregate object-store config create -object-store-name ONTAPS3store -provider-type ONTAP_S3 -server myS3bucket.company.local -is-ssl-enabled true -port 443 -container-name myS3bucket -ipspace Default -use-http-proxy false -access-key XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -secret-password XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Error: command failed: Cannot verify availability of the object store from node node-01. Reason: Errno: Connection reset by peer.

  • certificate-validation-enabledfalse に設定したオブジェクトストアの設定の作成
  • certificate-validationtrue に設定されている場合に証明書の検証が失敗する:

::> aggregate object-store config modify -object-store-name ONTAPS3store -is-certificate-validation-enabled true

Warning: Modifying the server, port, IPspace, SSL-enabled state, or SSL/TLS certificate validation
will disrupt object store access for several seconds.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Error: command failed: Cannot verify availability of the object store from node node-01.
Reason: Cannot verify the certificate given by the object store server. It is possible that
the certificate has not been installed on the cluster. Use the 'security certificate
install -type server-ca' command to install it..

  • 問題は自己署名証明書またはCA証明書を使用して実行される

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