
SVM DRの初期化、再同期、または更新が失敗し、「Failed to start transfer」というエラーが表示されます

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9.10.
  • SnapMirror Storage Virtual Machineディザスタリカバリ(SVM DR)


  • 1つ以上のボリュームでSVM DRの初期化、再同期、または更新が失敗します。
  • 次のいずれかのエラーメッセージが表示されます。

Failed to apply the source Vserver configuration. Reason: Failed to enable efficiency on volume "<Vol_Name>" of Vserver "<Vserver_name>": A SnapMirror transfer is running or paused. Use the "snapmirror show" command to view the status of the transfer. Retry this command when the transfer is complete, or run "snapmirror abort -hard true" to abort the SnapMirror transfer and clear any checkpoint data.
Transfer for volume <Vol_Name> failed. Reason: Failed to start transfer for Snapshot copy "<snapname>". (Failed to start transfer. (Duplicate transfer specified (Replication engine error))).
Execute "snapmirror show -destination-vserver <vserver> -fields last-transfer-error,unhealthy-reason -expand" to check if the constituent volumes have encountered errors.

Transfer for volume "<Vol_Name>" failed. Reason: Failed to start transfer for Snapshot copy "<snapname>". (Failed to start transfer. (Duplicate transfer specified (Replication engine error))).
Execute "snapmirror show -destination-vserver bpcifs1002_dr -fields last-transfer-error,unhealthy-reason -expand" to check if the constituent volumes have encountered errors.

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