

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • SanpMirror


  • DPボリュームでのみ、SVMの移行が次のエラーで失敗します。
cluster2::> vserver migrate show
         Destination     Source
Vserver      Cluster       Cluster       Status
---------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------
         cluster2      cluster1       migrate-failed
Status Details: Migrate operation failed. Reason: Failed to rollback the migrate operation to the transferring phase for Vserver "vserver_name". Reason: SnapMirror group control data transfers to destination volumes have failed for Vserver "vserver_name". Reason: Group Update failed (Failed to complete update operation on one or more item relationships.). To view volume-specific information, use the "vserver migrate show-volume" command. To resume the Vserver migrate operation, use the "vserver migrate resume" command. To change the source Vserver configuration, use the "vserver migrate pause" command on the destination cluster, make the configuration changes on the source cluster, and then use the "vserver migrate resume" command on the destination cluster.
cluster2::> vserver migrate show-volume
              Volume       Transfer
Vserver  Volume      State   Healthy   Status  Errors
-------- ---------------- -------- --------- --------- ----------------------
volume1 online false Idle Transfer failed., Failed to restart a partially completed initialize transfer, the destination volume must be recreated.
volume2 online false Idle Transfer failed., Failed to restart a partially completed initialize transfer, the destination volume must be recreated.
volume3 online false Idle Transfer failed., Failed to restart a partially completed initialize transfer, the destination volume must be recreated.
  • 移行に失敗したボリュームは、タイプがDPのみのボリュームです。
cluster1::> vol show -vserver ma_64221d36-1a44-4fa6-8a5a-7c1b5d1eb457 -type DP
Vserver  Volume    Aggregate  Stat  Type  Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ----------
vserver_name volume1 aggr_ssd_01  online DP 276GB 76.69GB  44%
vserver_name volume2 aggr_ssd_01  online DP 276GB 76.69GB  44%
vserver_name volume3 aggr_ssd_01  online DP 276GB 76.69GB  44%

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