SnapCenterスナップショットエラーNo SnapMirror relationship found
- SnapCenter
- SnapMirror / SnapVault
- バックアップ中にエラーが報告されました:
Activity 'Replicating to Secondary' failed with error: Unable to find SnapMirror destination(s) for source <SVM>:<VOLUME> - No SnapMirror relationships were found.</Error>
2024-11-15T12:01:27.5695921+01:00 WARN SMCore_702498 PID=[3052] TID=[82] Activity - Replicating to Secondary, Completed with warning : Unable to find SnapMirror destination(s). Error: No SnapMirror relationships were found. Resolution: Please make sure that secondary storage systems are registered and host can resolve them correctly.Unable to find SnapMirror destination for the source volume(s) <source volume name>
2024-11-15T12:01:30.0240074+01:00 ERROR SMCore_702498 PID=[3052] TID=[82] ErrorCode (109), ErrorMessage (The following activities failed:Replicating to Secondary. Please check the activities for detailed error message.)