アプリケーションをホストするSVMを使用してSVM SVMを作成できません
- ONTAP 9以降
アプリケーションをホストするSVMとの間にSVM DR関係を作成しようとすると、次のような状態になります。
Operation to create a destination endpoint and create a SnapMirror relationship failed. Reason: Out of 1 endpoints, 0 endpoints have been protected and protection has failed for 1 endpoints. List of paths that failed protection and reasons for failure: SVM1: : Vserver protection failed for Vserver "NAS". Reason: Failed to create Vserver relationship information. Reason: A Vserver DR relationship between Vserver "SVM1" and Vserver "SVM1_DR" is not supported because Vserver "SVM1" hosts one or more applications which are not MAX Data applications. Vserver DR Source Vservers that host applications can only host MAX Data applications.