
「 Snapshot リストアのステータスを特定できません」というエラーが原因で Snapshot リストアが失敗する

snaprestore<a>翻訳</a><a>対象:2008914552 </a>
Last Updated:




  • Snapshot リストアがで失敗Cannot determine the status of the Snapshot restore operationする

::> volume snapshot restore -vserver vs0 -volume vol3 -snapshot vol3_snap_archive

Error: command failed: Cannot determine the status of the Snapshot restore
    operation for "vol3_snap_archive" on volume "vol3" on Vserver
    "vs0". Verify that the Snapshot copy was restored. If necessary,
    try the operation again.

  • /etc/log/mroot/mlog 表示 d-snapshot-restore-volume がタイムアウトしました

[kern_mgwd:info:2238] dsmdb_get_imp_1() on ksmfRawZapi failed: <IP>{ffffffff|ffffffff} prog=536873508 server=kernel: RPC: Timed out; netid=tcp fd=751 TO=200.0s TT=200.005s O=2084b I=0b CN=142012281/639 VSID=-3 <IP>:<PORT><-><IP>:<PORT>
[kern_mgwd:info:2238] ZSM: KSMF REQ FAILED: d-snapshot-restore-volume - Timeout: Operation "ksmfRawZapi_iterator::get_imp()" took longer than 200 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "<NODE>" (VSID: -1) to kernel at <IP>] [TO=200s TRT=200.007s =><IP>:<PORT>1 CN=1650033125/1] {ksmf_invoke:360}
[kern_mgwd:info:2238] 0x821a1a100: 8003e900415666ab: WARNING: VOPL::DbladeZapiServerConnection:  promoteSnapshot 7050 ZSM - failed, status code = 571, extra = Timeout: Operation "ksmfRawZapi_iterator::get_imp()" took longer than 200 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "<NODE>" (VSID: -1) to kernel at <IP>:<PORT>], took 200.007s, max 200s [<IP>:<PORT>]
[kern_mgwd:info:2238] 0x821a1a100: 8003e900415666ab: ERR: VOPL::VolumeObject:   (jobId:0 () : waitOnRetry aborted because retry counts configured to 0)
[kern_mgwd:info:2238] 0x821a1a100: 8003e900415666ab: ERR: VOPL::VolumeObject: Volume::promoteSnapshot: Failed to promote snapshot snapId(51) for jobId(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000), vserverId(0x0000015a), clusterId(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000), aggrId(00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000), volName(<VOLUME>), msid(0x0x00000000803d5f4f), dsid(0x0x000000000000198b), designed VolAccess Type (0) restore To Physical (0),isFGConstituent (0),err(code=13057,module=19,msg=ZSM - failed, status code = 571, extra = Timeout: Operation "ksmfRawZapi_iterator::get_imp()" took longer than 200 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "<NODE>" (VSID: -1) to kernel at <IP>], took 200.007s, max 200s [<IP>:<PORT>]), reason(ZSM - failed, status code = 571, extra = Timeout: Operation "ksmfRawZapi_iterator::get_imp()" took longer than 200 seconds to complete [from mgwd on node "<NODE>" (VSID: -1) to kernel at <IP>], took 200.007s, max 200s [<IP>:<PORT>]).

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