
ONTAP Select ディスクのノードとの接続を解除できません

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP Select ( OTS ) 9.9.1
  • ONTAP Select Deploy
  • ディスクの接続解除


OTS ディスクのデプロイとの接続解除が、 vmdk 名の重複のためにエラーで失敗しました。

(ONTAPdeploy) node storage disk detach -node-name <node_name> -cluster-name <cluster_name> disks disk_1.vmdk
The job for "node storage disk detach" has been submitted with request-id xxx. To monitor its progress, use the command "job monitor -request-id xxx".

(ONTAPdeploy) job monitor -request-id xxx
[Request xxx (failure)]: Job failed with error. <SDOTAdminError(key="NodeDetachDiskFailed", message="Failed to detach disk <disk_name> from node
"<node_name> in cluster <cluster_name>. Reason: Disk <disk_name> cannot be detached from node <node_name>. It is in use by "ONTAP". Can only detach disks that are broken, shared, spare, unassigned, or unknown.")>

(ONTAPdeploy) node storage disk show -cluster-name <cluster_name> -node-name <node_name>
| Name               | Logical Name | Capacity | Pool   | ONTAP Name |
| disk_1.vmdk       | -            | 1 TB     | poolA  | NET-1.1    |
| disk_1.vmdk       | -            | 2 TB     | poolB  | NET-1.1    | <-- vmdk was manually deleted from vCenter
| disk_5.vmdk       | -            | 3 TB     | poolB  | NET-1.2    |
| disk_6.vmdk       | -            | 3 TB     | poolB  | NET-1.3    |

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