- Views:
- 1
- Visibility:
- Public
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- 0
- Category:
- element-software
- Specialty:
- hci<a>2009616785年</a>
- Last Updated:
- NetApp Elementソフトウェア 12.0以前
- NetApp SolidFire SFシリーズ製品ライン
- NetApp H-Series
SolidFire Active IQ > Reporting > Eventsの順に選択します。
- GCAborted with "xNoHandler" error:
{"err":"xNoHandler","lastGCGeneration":1687831200,"lastStartSuccessful":true,"paramCaller":"OnAllSSGCStatusResponse","paramGCGeneration":1687831200,"paramServiceID":841} reported=2023-06-27T02:00:00.493550Z published=2023-06-27T02:00:00.493608Z} mNumEventsPublished=39
A metadata service is unhealthy and SolidFire is attempting to migrate data away from it
The SolidFire Application cannot communicate with Storage node having node ID X