
ヘルスモニタプロセス cshm SwitchCommunityString_Alert

Last Updated:


  • NetApp CN1610 クラスタネットワークスイッチ( CNS )
  • Ciscoクラスタスイッチ
  • ONTAP 9
  • CSHM (クラスタスイッチヘルスモニタ)


  • HA Group Notification from xxxxxx  (Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchCommunityString_Alert[xxxxxxxx]) ALERTは、システムからランダムな間隔で送信されます。
  • system health alert show repots(システムヘルスアラート

Node: NodeA
Monitor: cluster-switch
Alert ID: SwitchCommunityString_Alert
Alerting Resource: Switch_A
Subsystem: Switch-Health
Indication Time: Thu May 18 06:09:58 2023
Perceived Severity: Major
Probable Cause: Configuration_error
Description: Cluster switch "Switch_A" with IP address "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" is not reachable via SNMP. Incorrect SNMP community string might be configured on the cluster switch.
Corrective Actions: Check the SNMP community string on the cluster switch to verify the expected community string is configured. Use the "system cluster-switch show -snmp-config" command to view the expected community string.
Possible Effect: Cluster switch communication problems and accessibility issues.
Acknowledge: false
Suppress: false
Policy: SwitchCommunityString_Policy
Acknowledger: -
Suppressor: -
Additional Information: Switch Name:Switch_A
Switch Model:NX3232C
Alerting Resource Name: Switch_A
Additional Alert Tags: -

  • CSHMD および MGWD メッセージの例:

Sun Aug 29 01:53:47 +0100 [node_name: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = SwitchCommunityString_Alert , Alerting Resource = switch_name1 raised by monitor cluster-switch
Sun Aug 29 01:53:47 +0100 [node_name: cshmd: hm.alert.raised:alert]: Alert Id = SwitchCommunityString_Alert , Alerting Resource = switch_name2 raised by monitor cluster-switch
Sun Aug 29 01:57:38 +0100 [node_name: mgwd: callhome.hm.alert.major:alert]: Call home for Health Monitor process cshm: SwitchCommunityString_Alert[switch_name1].

  • クラスタネットワークスイッチに到達できません

Cluster switch "MANMCSCLSSW001" with IP address "switch2_mgmt_IP"is not reachable via SNMP. Incorrect SNMP community string might be configured on the cluster switch.
Cluster switch "MANMCSCLSSW002" with IP address "switch2_mgmt_IP"is not reachable via SNMP. Incorrect SNMP community string might be configured on the cluster switch.

  • クラスタスイッチの構成例:

Device Name           switch_name1         switch_name2
IP Address 
Model to display        CN1610            CN1610
Switch Network         cluster-network        cluster-network
Software Version  
SNMP Version          SNMPv2c            SNMPv2c
Is Discovered          true             true
Switch Monitoring Status    false             false
Reason For Not Monitoring   IP address not reachable   IP address not reachable
Serial Number of the Device   Unknown            Unknown




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