
FlexGroup ボリュームの作成に失敗しました

Last Updated:


  • ONTAP 9
  • FlexGroup 


  • FlexGroup ボリュームの作成中にエラーが発生しました

::> vol create -volume vol1 -aggr-list aggr01,aggr02,aggr03-aggr-list-multiplier 4 -state online -size 114tb

Notice: The FlexGroup volume "vol1" will be created with thefollowing number of constituents of size 9.50TB: 12.

Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Warning: You are attempting to create a FlexGroup volume in Vserver"svm01", which currently uses 32-bit NFSv3

FSIDs and file IDs. Thiscould result in collisions between different file IDs on the FlexGroup volume.

Modify the Vserver to use64-bit NFSv3 identifiers before using the FlexGroup volume with the commands

"set advanced;vserver nfs modify -vserver svm01 -v3-64bit-identifiers enabled".

Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Error: command failed: Request to provision FlexGroup volume"vol1" failed because the requested size of 114TB

(125344325566464B) is greater than themaximum size. The maximum possible size is 77.09TB (84764508672000B).

  • df -A コマンドを実行して、aggr usageを確認します

Aggregate         kbytes     used    avail capacity  
aggr01        49129710336     676 49129709660     0%
aggr02        49129710336   1060036 49128650300     0%
aggr03        27603099648     388 27603099260     0%

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