
Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6で、Webインターフェイスに「ネットワーク」メニューが表示されません


  • Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6 ( AIQUM )


  • Active IQ Unified Manager の[ネットワーク]メニューが空白です。
  • LIFの詳細を移動しているときにポートのデータを確認できます。
  • 問題 はネットワークポートのユーザインターフェイスのみで、空白になります。
  • AIQUMで次のエラーが発生しています ocumserver.log 
2021-01-16 22:06:45,992 ERROR [oncommand] [opmTaskExecutor-3] [c.n.i.s.a.d.r.PortInventoryDataRowMapper] fetchPortInventoryStats query SELECT merge.* FROM(( select 72 as numberOfHours, AVG(utilization) as utilization, AVG(throughput) as throughput, 0 AS eventSeverity, port.objid objid, port.portName name, port.resourceKey resourceKey, CASE WHEN port.maxSpeed IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE (port.maxSpeed)* 1000 END as speed, 'DATA' as role, 'FCP_PORT' as type, cluster.objid clusterId, cluster.name clusterName, cluster.resourceKey clusterResourceKey, node.objid nodeId, node.name nodeName, node.resourceKey nodeResourceKey, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tp.id ORDER BY tp.id) thresholdPolicyId, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tp.name ORDER BY tp.id) thresholdPolicyName, c.fqdn AS clusterFqdn FROM netapp_model_view.fcp_port port JOIN
clusterResourceKey, node.objid nodeId, node.name nodeName, node.resourceKey nodeResourceKey, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tp.id ORDER BY tp.id) thresholdPolicyId, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tp.name ORDER BY tp.id) thresholdPolicyName, c.fqdn AS clusterFqdn FROM netapp_model_view.network_port port JOIN netapp_model_view.cluster cluster ON port.clusterId = cluster.objid JOIN netapp_model_view.node node ON port.nodeId = node.objid LEFT JOIN opm.threshold_policy_mapping tpm ON (port.objid = tpm.objectId AND tpm.endTime IS NULL) LEFT JOIN opm.threshold_policy tp ON (tpm.policyId = tp.id AND tp.elementType=60) LEFT JOIN ocum.cluster c ON (cluster.objid = c.id) LEFT JOIN netapp_performance.summary_nic perf_port ON (port.objid = perf_port.objid AND perf_port.fromtime >= 1610604000000 AND perf_port.fromtime < 1610863604258) WHERE role in ('CLUSTER','DATA','INTERCLUSTER') GROUP BY port.objid)) AS merge ORDER BY eventSeverity DESC]; Out of range value for column 'speed' : value auto; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Out of range value for column 'speed' : value auto
at deployment.dfm-app.war//org.springframework.jdbc.support.SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator.doTranslate(SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator.java:102)


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