ノードがエラーでリブートされました: bsdsocket.queueLimit.Reached
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP
- Microsoft Azure
- NVRAM フラッシュ
Azure CVO インスタンスが次のエラーでリブートされました:
3/3/2021 09:32:39 Azurenode1-01 ERROR bsdsocket.queueLimit.reached: Number of connection requests for the socket bound to port 63002 having the IP address * has reached the limit of 7 connections. The socket uses TCP protocol. This event has occurred 1 times since the last warning.
3/3/2021 09:32:27 Azurenode1-01 ERROR bsdsocket.queueLimit.reached: Number of connection requests for the socket bound to port 63000 having the IP address * has reached the limit of 7 connections. The socket uses TCP protocol. This event has occurred 1 times since the last warning.
3/3/2021 09:31:57 Azurenode1-01 ALERT vnvram.dma.long.wait: vNVRAM flush taking over 10 seconds.