SnapManager for Hyper-V ( SMHV )
- SMHVバックアップは、VSSライターの一部で障害が発生して失敗します。
- ジョブログのエラー:
Error: Vss Requestor - Backup Components failed with partial writer error.Writer "Microsoft Hyper-V VSS Writer" involved in backup or restore operation reported partial failure. Writer returned failure code 0x0. Writer state is 1.
Application specific error information:
Application error code: 0x0
Application error message: -
Failed component information:
For more information, look at the Hyper-V-VMMS event log in the Windows Event Viewer under "Applications and Services Logs->Microsoft->Windows".Also, check the Windows application event log in the VM for any errors.
Also, check the Windows application event log in the VM for any errors.
- ジョブログのバックアップの概要に、部分的な障害が発生しているホストが表示されます。
Backup summary:
<HostName> [05EB0E08-DA0F-4BA8-95FB-E21862959821]: [Failed]
<HostName> [6FD83A80-F58A-4057-85C0-C4740C1D2397]: [OK]
<HostName> [155089D9-F939-496C-8325-60109F99F8B7]: [OK]