SMHV のバックアップジョブが、「指定した VM のいずれか」と失敗する が存在しないか、オンラインでバックアップできません "
- SnapManager for Hyper-V ( SMHV )
- SnapDrive for Windows(SDW)
- SMB3 を介した CIFS 共有で実行される Hyper-V 仮想マシン
- SMHV のバックアップジョブが失敗し、ジョブレポートに次のエラーが表示されます。
[2020/12/13 11:24:51, (27)] Failed to take backup of VM VM01[Hyper-V] as SnapDrive for Windows is unable to enumerate the following components(s) : (Snapshot location is not valid. This could mean the VM may have an unsupported storage configuration. Please confirm that VM's snapshot file location reside on NetApp storage.) for the VM on Hyper-V host HV01
[2020/12/13 11:24:51, (27)] Either the specified VM(s) are not present or they cannot be backed up online
[2020/12/13 11:24:51, (27)] Backup task: failed to complete
HV01 12/13-11:24:51.199 P:14088 T:17684 General Error Failed to get storage system for host resource : Name : \\\vhd, Type: SDSMBShare.
Exception : Message : Failed to get storage system (virtual storage server) for SMB server with ID: Name : [smb-vm01.test.local]