
AIQUM にアクセスする際、 IP アドレスに一致するサブジェクトの代替名はありません

Last Updated:


  • Active IQ Unified Manager ( AIQUM )
  • Active Directory ( AD )リモート認証


Active IQ Unified Manager で認証を試みると、次のエラーが記録されます。

  • UM Web UI :
    • Unable to communicate with the authentication server due to the following reasons: No subject alternative names matching IP address 10.x.x.x found. Verify your authentication server configuration.
  • UM ログにエラーが表示される:
    • ocum-error.log
      • 2020-11-05 13:34:27,333 ERROR [user_name] [default task-414] [service.logging.SimpleRemoteLoggingService|logOnServer] [c.n.d.w.c.s.l.LdapServersPagePresenter] Unable to communicate with the authentication server due to the following reasons: No subject alternative names matching IP address 10.x.x.x found. Verify your authentication server configuration.
    • ocumserver.log
      • 2020-11-05 13:34:27,333 ERROR [user_name] [default task-414] [service.logging.SimpleRemoteLoggingService|logOnServer] [c.n.d.w.c.s.l.LdapServersPagePresenter] Unable to communicate with the authentication server due to the following reasons: No subject alternative names matching IP address 10.x.x.x found. Verify your authentication server configuration. com.google.gwt.core.shared.SerializableThrowable: Unable to communicate with the authentication server due to the following reasons: No subject alternative names matching IP address 10.x.x.x found. Verify your authentication server configuration.


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