

Last Updated:


  • Active IQ Unified Manager(AIQUM)
  • ONTAP 9
  • AIQUMクラスタとONTAPクラスタは同じNTP設定を使用して時刻が同期される
  • AIQUMは5年以上前にインストールされました

:インストール日は、 Install_Upgrade.log

                    ------ postinst start Sat Feb  9 10:10:20 UTC 2019 ------


  • ONTAP クラスタをAIQUMに追加しようとすると失敗します:
Unable to add cluster data source. This can occur if the clocks on the systems are not synchronized and the Active IQ Unified Manager HTTPS certificate start date is later than the date on the cluster, or if the cluster has reached the maximum number of EMS notification destinations.
  • ocumserver.log AIQUMではHTTP 500と表示されます。 Failed to add the datasource

INFO  [admin] [default task-22] [c.n.d.o.o.s.z.OntapSecurityCertificateZapiService] Installing self-signed client certicate on ONTAP
ERROR [admin] [default task-22] [c.n.d.c.h.DatasourcesHttpClientManager] Failed to add the datasource
com.onaro.commons.exception.ConfigurationException: Server returned HTTP status 500.HTTP error message :{"timestamp":"<TIMESTAMP>","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","path":"/acquisition-api/server/datasource"}

   at com.netapp.mega//com.onaro.commons.framework.mgmt.HTTPClientManager.logHTTPErrorStatusWithMessage(HTTPClientManager.java:120)
   at deployment.dfm-app.war//com.netapp.dfm.collector.httpclient.DatasourcesHttpClientManager.addDS(DatasourcesHttpClientManager.java:243)
   at deployment.dfm-app.war//com.netapp.dfm.collector.OcieAcquisitionFacade.addDataSource(OcieAcquisitionFacade.java:287)
   at deployment.dfm-app.war//com.netapp.dfm.collector.AbstractDataSourceManager.addDataSource(AbstractDataSourceManager.java:53)
   at deployment.dfm-app.war//com.netapp.dfm.collector.AbstractDataSourceManager$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$babcc85.invoke(<generated>)

  • /etc/log/mlog/audit.log ONTAPクラスタで証明書のインストールが期限切れのために失敗すると表示される
[kern_audit:info:3167] 8503e80000dac04e :: clustername:ontapi :: xx.xxx.xxx.xx:52938 :: clustername:user :: security-certificate-install :: Error: The certificate has expired.
  • server_acq.log AIQUM で証明書の有効期限が切れていることを示す

ERROR [default task-6260] c.n.s.a.s.r.s.i.AcquisitionFacadeSessionServiceImpl (AcquisitionFacadeSessionServiceImpl.java:843) - Fail to add data source for acquisitionUnitName: local, dataSourceName: <cluster name>, vendor:NetApp OCI Essentials, model: NetApp OCI Essentials, datasourceTypeId: 91, manual: 1, isActive: false, attrs: -- listing properties --
: com.netapp.oci.netapp.client.interfaces.data.EmsManagerException: The certificate has expired. (errno=61105) (errno=
ERROR [default task-340653] c.o.s.a.s.AcquisitionFacadeUtil (AcquisitionFacadeUtil.java:202) - failed to register EMS: : com.netapp.oci.netapp.client.interfaces.data.EmsManagerException: The certificate has expired. (errno=61105)


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